Samsung Galaxy S7: The Next Big Thing, Specification and Reviews

Samsung Galaxy S7 is being claimed as going to be the best Smartphone ever. Reportedly, the South Korean giant has already gathered all its possible specs and presently carrying on the testing jobs. Now all eyes are on for the upcoming final business quarter 2015 when maximum possibilities hold for the device to give its first glimpse. In fact the release period looks quite apparent as we have Galaxy S6 in the pipe line. S6 is like a test for Sammy and to earn all hose much needed hypes for Galaxy S7 rumoured being provided with the most revamped technologies so far.

Anyway, some other sources are claiming that the Galaxy S7 might be carrying a whole new name. But, they also agree with the claim for the product to be unveiled during the final quarter of 2015.


Galaxy S7 specs:

Now let’s have a look at how do really the specs of a ground-breaking device looks like. Believing the sources, the S7 is being made keeping the possible advancements of the smart phone technologies by the final quarter of 2014. If you think 3 GB RAM is high, then have it in mind that the S7 will be coming with a 4 GB RAM.

Performance and display:

2015 will be a definition making year in terms of performance. Samsung has already made us tasted the 2.7 GHz processor. Hence a processor running through eight core 3.0 GHz or even more can’t be really ignored. Coming to the displays, the device is expected to be of 4K capacity. We have all witnessed 3d, displays, curved, edge displays. But, to be honest none of those were impact making.

Camera, sensors, etc:

In terms of snappers, the product is believed to pack a 20 MP option at the main end with ultra deemed light sensitivity sensor for better snapping even during faded hours. The super efficient finger print detective sensor is going to be something sensational as well. However, we have come across with the option in many other devices as well, but these have not been up to the mark. Especially, it needs to be implemented moreover like an unlocking device well.

   Apart from this, the device reportedly going to have a mini projector and a much powerful charging option that can get charged within 5 minutes.

Galaxy S7 Possible price:

The Samsung Galaxy S6 hasn’t been released yet, but we can take this as a standard to guess the possible price tag for Samsung Galaxy S7. One thing is quite sure that the product has to carry a bulky price obvious for a high-end device. However, it depends upon the success rate of Samsung Galaxy S6 as well. The South Korean giant is making full efforts to solve all those issues like the plastic body those appeared with the Galaxy S5. Once the S6 becomes satisfactory, then the manufacturer can certainly be flexible for tagging a good amount.


There are many parts associated with the product those make it a really promising stuff for the coming year. It’s a super performer through the 3 GHz (or above) processor, 4 GB RAM, and an excellent snapping option with 20 MP camera. Though the product is too late to hit the shelves, still the S7 fans should never feel it as the rumour mills don’t allow. And, we are always open eyed for any updates surfacing. Hence just stay tuned.

Samsung Galaxy S7: The Next Big Thing, Specification and Reviews


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